a publisher.

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request a publisher account.

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Become a publisher

Are you an artist, curator, collector or gallery? Become a publisher on Artlinq and start earning a passive income with your artwork.

Expand your community

Artlinq helps you expand your community worldwide. We have all the tools you need to showcase your artwork to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Earn a passive income

As a publisher you receive a percentage share of the revenue from our paid subscription plans, based on your artwork’s display duration.

Build your online


Increase your

IPhone Artists

Expand your


Questions? Answers.

How much can I earn with Artlinq?

Publishers receive a percentage share of the revenue from our paid subscription plans, based on their artwork’s display duration.

Furthermore, Artlinq makes your art visible for anyone, anytime, anywhere, which will increase your worldwide audience of possible buyers. Artlinq can provide you with both rental and sales income at the same time.

We are currently still testing our Beta version and working on the exact subscription plans, prices and percentages. Feel free to already request a publisher account and we will provide you with more accurate information.

What kind of files can I upload?

We accept JPEG, PNG, WEBM, GIF, AVI, MOV and MP4 files.

Can I also use my NFTs?

Sure you can!

Just enter your address and blockchain and select the artworks you want to upload. Our system will automatically read the metadata associated with the NFT and import the media files. You can of course also upload a complete NFT collection all at once.

Important; we only accept the original creator address or NFTs with the copyrights included.