Cookie policy

Privacy policy

Version 1.0 January 2024

Privacy policy

We are Artlinq. We are located at Brouwersgracht 97, 1015 GC Amsterdam, the Netherlands. You can contact us at if you have any questions about data protection, or if you have requests to resolve issues with your personal data. You can also write to the address above.

In this privacy policy, we describe:

  • The ways in which we collect personal data about you when you visit our website or contact us, and why we do so.
  • How we use your personal data, and
  • The choices you have regarding your personal data.

We are committed to the lawful, fair and transparent processing of personal data.

1. The data we process

When you contact us through our website, by email or phone, we collect all the information you share with us, including your name and contact details, and the company or organization you are associated with. When you are our customer or a potential customer who has contacted us, we process information related to the services we provide to you and the company or organization you are associated with, such as your request and communication related to the service and invoicing.

2. What we use the data for

We use the above data to respond to your request and to deliver our services to the company or organization you are associated with. We also use the information to manage our relationship with you. And to comply with all legal obligations.

3. Our legal basis for data processing

We base the processing of personal data on the legitimate interest of us and the company or organization you are associated with to deliver our services. If you are not a customer or do not work for a company or organization that is a customer, we base the processing on our legitimate interest in maintaining a file of all communications for future use, and to stay in touch with you.

4. With whom we share data

In some cases, we may share your personal data with third parties. This can occur, but is not limited to:

  • Third parties that are relevant to the services we provide, such as partners, software suppliers and/or legal or compliance advisors.
  • Third parties with whom we cooperate, such as regulatory or supervisory authorities, the tax authorities, government agencies and other institutions, in order to comply with legal obligations.
  • External suppliers in connection with the processing of your personal data for the purposes described in this policy, such as IT providers, communication service providers or other suppliers to whom we outsource certain supporting services.

We will only share your personal data with these third parties for the purposes and on the legal grounds mentioned in this policy. The third parties to whom we transfer your personal data act as our processor under the GDPR and are themselves responsible for compliance with privacy legislation. Artlinq is not responsible nor liable for the processing of your personal data by these third parties. 

5. How long and where we store data

Your personal data is stored in accordance with the GDPR and is processed until the moment you inform Artlinq that you no longer wish to receive digital communications and/or Artlinq no longer sends you newsletters, event invitations or other digital messages.

Your personal data will be deleted if:

  • it appears your email address is no longer in use (for example, when error messages are received);
  • the consent on the basis of which your personal data is processed and/or stored has been withdrawn by you;
  • the aforementioned legal grounds on which your personal data is processed have expired because, for example, your company ceases to exist or you have had no contact with Artlinq for 5 years (despite any legal obligations).

6. How we protect data

Taking into account the nature, scope, context and purpose of the processing, we have taken the following technical and organizational measures:

  • Our information systems, and the information they contain, are protected by access controls. We use 2FA and encryption (‘at rest’ and ‘in transit’) where possible.
  • Access to our information systems is restricted; not all members of our organization have full access.

7. If you are located in Europe – transfer of your personal data

We want to inform you that your personal data may be transferred to third parties from your own country, for example if we engage someone from outside the EEA for our services. If you are a resident of the EEA or the United Kingdom, this may mean that we also transfer data to countries that do not provide an adequate level of protection for your personal data. When we transfer this data, we will only do so when we have implemented appropriate safeguards to protect your personal data. Contact us to obtain a copy of the safeguards we have put in place. You can find our contact details at the bottom of this text.

8. Your rights

Regardless of where you live, you have the right to request access to the personal data we process about you. You also have the right to:

  • Rectify or, in certain circumstances, erase inaccurate personal data.
  • Restrict or object to the processing of your personal data.
  • Receive your data so that you can use it elsewhere (data portability).

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, you can write to us at We will respond to all requests within a reasonable time, but at least within four weeks. If you are located in an EU Member State, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local EU data protection authority for unresolved complaints.